I’m still angry but in an attempt at some self-help that doesn’t involve chanting, I have compiled a ‘get it off my chest’ list.
i) The Hawk’s did not earn their place in the GF. This makes me angry.
ii) My anger grows when I hear people saying we were not good enough. How will we ever know if we were good enough when the game was influenced so greatly by the umpiring? People who say ‘well we just weren’t good enough’ should shut up and stop copping it sweet. It doesn’t make you a better person, it makes you a target.
iii) I think just coping it on the chin is weak and the fans deserve better. If the mantra of ‘focusing on things that you can influence’ is correct then Freo should be banging down the door of AFL house and demanding better treatment next year.
iv) I’d rather have Ballas in my team than Mitchell. One is tough and pays hard, one is a sniper. It’s not about who is better, it’s about what your team represents.
v) I’m ok with losing fair and square but we didn’t.
Ok I’m done but still angry.