Good Lord! In one fell swoop three of my biggest hobby-horses get a run within a day!
i. Eagles followers are a recurring disgrace
ii 2006 premiership should have an asterisk
iii We should have a 12-team comp
I've believed that the AFL should be 12-teams for a decade. It solves many of the game's problems and creates some exciting possibilities. Somewhere I've written a small book about it, but buggered if I can find it. In brief:
12- team AFL: 1 by NSW, 1 x Qld, 2 x WA, 2 x SA, 6 x Vic (I don't care who they are - I know, I know)
12 - team AF Conference West: 5 WAFL, 6 SANFL, 1 NT
12 - team AF Conference East: VFL, Tas, Riverina, ACT, Syd, Gold Coast, North Qld etc
National Draft to Conference clubs (with AFL teams having 2-year options and pay for optioned players)
Seniors list to Conference clubs (with AFL clubs having "call up" rights and paying players)
Broadcast of both levels through FOA and Cable
Charter aircraft (x 2?) to move players/support staff/ fans at both AFL and AFC levels.
AFC Finals culminates in Friday night "East v West Superbowl" prior to AFL Grand Final.
Eventually, if AFC functions well and draws crowds/ratings, promotion/demotion system instituted…
(…and the Mighty Cardies take their rightful place in the AFL!!)