Where I sit in block 107, we regularly have members who don't turn up for a game, and I'm one of them. Its easy to find an excuse - rain, playing a boring team, your team being boring etc. You can stay home and watch on TV in comfort. And this from people who have already paid for a ticket, so its effectively free.
If its raining, sell those purple ponchos at the ground. Add it to the job of the people selling the cushions.
At Subi, why not let the public onto the ground after the game for a bit of kick to kick? Kids who might struggle to last through an AFL game will at least be able to look forward to a kick with Dad/Mum/friends after the game. It will also reduce the crowding on the trains.
I know its heresy, but Saturday afternoon is a good time for a game of footy.
Sell a variety of beers, at half reasonable prices.
The scoreboard last week did not bother to show the Sydney-Hawthorn score. Why not? Are we not interested? If interesting stuff happens, put it on the scoreboard.
If something controversial or brilliant happens, show it on the big screen. Two or three times.