I don't think it can be compared to the Essendon scandal as that was a systemic program instigated run and covered up by the club. This is probably as big but for different reasons. It smacks of and has all the hallmarks of the WCE culture of drugs. You have the core high profile players implicated but know one wants to believe its as deep or entrenched in the club culture as it appears to be. The AFL has issued the nothing to see here statement leaving it to the club to deal with.
Nearly ten years on from the WCE debacle and it appears nothing has been learned. Because of the week and pathetic stance taken then the problem remains. I know drugs is a society wide problem, but the AFL are dealing with a set number of players, not all of society. I also consider boofhead behaviour to be maybe a few players having had a beer to many and mucking around by the pool or in a nightclub and upsetting the locals, hiding out in hotel rooms and taking illegal drugs is not boofhead behaviour, its somewhat worse than that. The AFL need to take a stand, show some leadership and try to at least influence the lives of young people associated with football. Time for some action to back up the rhetoric.