I went to my first game in at least five years last night. Bought one of those three game deals as the price seemed about right. Here are some impressions in no particular order and adopting WTB’s “what I learned” system.
(i) Parking in Subi has changed. All the streets have cute signs banning parking so parked in Rokeby rd about a kilometre from the game. Sweet.
(ii) Wandered down said street looking for food. Passed the $29 curry shop and into the Dome. Mistake. Food hot on top and fridge cold in middle. Understand now why all the docker people were heading the other way.
(iii) Great seat. No let me correct that. Great seating position. The seat was a wooden bench with a worn cushion that didn’t cover much. Seriously do I have to fight for some padding? No wonder we want a new stadium. But why not save a billion and give everyone free cushions as the oval itself is great.
(iv) Both teams warm up far too long. The warmup is worth a quarter and I was going to say they would fade in the last quarter. I guess both teams did to the same extent. What happened to a bit of kick to kick and a few run throughs and we’re good to go?
(v) The pressure was intense all night and I underestimated the concentration needed to play at that level. One small slip and you’re gone
(vi) Umpiring was actually quite good and only 3 clangers. But why don’t they pay the obvious free kick, is it too easy? Freo seem to be on the wrong end of these. And what happened to holding the ball? Farcical in last quarter when Collingwood player was help for about a minute and reluctantly pinged.
(vii) Ibbo’s estimation of 30 secs does not agree with the umpires’. I’d back Ibbo over Mister 15 secs.
(viii) Sat next to two fine older gents. Thank you for your manners and politeness. No thanks to dills in front who arrived late, stood up to search for car keys, indulged kids with lollies all bloody night and allowed them to stand and block views whenever they felt like it.
(ix) Chips were ok. Just.
(x) Great game. Dockers are very good. Forward line is crap, nearly time to shoot bambi – poor bugger can’t bend.
(xi) Yep finals like game and thanks Collingwood for the practice. In a game like that Aussie rules is the best game in the world.