I think that's the only trade I'd be looking at Corp. Biz has pretty much covered all of the reasons why trading Darcy is sheer madness and if he did wake up one day and decide he wanted to leave then he would be worth at least 2 first round picks. The only other issue that I see is a possibility that Haselby may have hit on something in his article yesterday and that is our seeming to have an abundance of very similar midfield types. Could or should we be thinking of offloading one especially when Fyfe and O'Meara are both in their senior years. Also we do have a lot of small to mid size forwards with some more than likely to miss next year especially with the emergence of Tom Emmett in the last fortnight.
Personally I agree with JLo that we have a very good list with few weak spots but a lot of young talent who could be moulded into solutions to fill those spots. My wants in the trdea would be Jeremy Sharp and in the draft top of my wish list would be Dan Curtin who looks like heading to Weagles or Kangas. Edwards would be nice but do we need another ruck, Van Rooyen junior looks alright at Claremont, O'Driscoll mark 3 would be nice and then any father/sons, maybe Hayden junior if he's showing any promise.