If you really want to get under their skin, point out that their current losing streak started with Jetta getting dropped.
They ran out of legs, and they did that because they didn't kick well. I watched Adelaide, and they did some precision kicking. When you do it well, it saves a lot of effort. Of the Eagles, Jetta can do that precision kicking, but some of the others struggle a bit. So they end up running themselves ragged.
I was at the game, courtesy of an Eagles mate who now knows better than to invite me to the footy. And apart from them needing Jetta, the other thing that struck me was how anaemic the crowd was. As the Crows came back you'd have expected some enthusiasm from the crowd, a chant even. But nothing doing. Which is weird for a side with a realistic chance of playing finals. Its as though the relationship between the players and the fans is all one way - the players give and the fans receive.