Amidst such a maelstrom of angst, I would rather turn to poetry than score reviews or unrequited umpire complaining. Its not John Cooper Clarke, but provided some momentary distraction:
The pain is more fierce as a contender,
I’m tempted to go on a two week long bender,
When righteously upset,
You tend to forget,
How the pain that you suffer can affect yer.
This year, the points actually matter,
And with an AFL ceiling there to shatter,
This is the spur to inspire the whole team;
Hard stares, no whinging, just physical venting of spleen
At the beginning of the end of our torturous long wait
Glory beckons at last for our own Iggy Pop (Nate)
In thirteen we were robbed, and Brian Lake was a thug
MCG revenge will be served bitter cold
As cold as the dead eyes of a long mourned pet dug